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University of Utah

A reimagined brand strategy and agile look for the college of science

University of Utah's College of Science banner displayed on campus

The University of Utah College of Science is one of the largest academic units at the University of Utah, their college encompasses almost a dozen schools, numerous centers and programs, and countless initiatives, in fact, the College of Science is the only academic unit that each student on campus takes classes from. While this college is one of the largest units they did not have a clearly defined brand. A recent development within the University created the opportunity for the College of Science and the College of Mines and Earth Sciences to merge into a newly reorganized College of Science. Using this as an opportunity to define branding and codify the newly merged college’s brand, RUMOR was asked to undertake this branding project.

Our Approach

Thinking strategically, RUMOR’s team met with University leadership to determine how they envisioned the brand- both in messaging and visually- to portray the College. After meeting with leadership, RUMOR’s team worked with the academic unit, Center, and initiative managers to determine how their organizations should be portrayed. RUMOR’s team began the process of determining brand messaging that would best encapsulate the merged College’s message and mission. To create a visually identifiable brand for the College of Science, RUMOR’s team also began exploring design concepts that would create a consistent brand for each of the schools and academic units, while also creating a unified vision for the brand.


While a brand refresh takes a significant amount of time to roll out, the brand concepts that RUMOR and the College of Science created have become the norm on campus. Collaterals for events, social media, signage, brand assets, and publications have all begun to use the new brand assets, designs, and guides.

Various pages of the College of Science course guide displayed
The University of Utah's College of Science logo
College of Science Text
College of Science Icons for various departments
Various pictures for the College of Science

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Follow your Curiosity
Man conducting and experiment
Professor Teaching with a quote
College of Science branding on a bag
The University of Utah's College of Science website displayed on various smart phones
Various College of Science branding on paper